This page is not intended to be shown on the website. It is intended to act as a readme for ideas of the structure of the website and the content that will go on each page.

– What is kendo? –

A very brief into/history to what kendo is. Maybe put some photos in of us p

– Membership –

Info on how much membership costs, notes about asking members to register with BKA after a few months or once they go into bogu? Could link to the YUSU page where people buy membership

– Practice Times –

Practice time information goes here. I.e. times and locations of the practices. Also link to york city club site.

– News –

Structure this like the blog page on my site. Each blog item can be a piece of news e.g. muiz and gabby passing their grading, uni taikai, etc

– Contact –

This will be a page for contacting us. Putting a contact form on here is a better idea than listing the email address. ->Look up some code to enable me to do this

– To-do –

->Add brief description of kendo - [Done] ->Add contact info - [Done] ->Add practice times info - [Done] ->Fix membership page - [Done] ->Add link to YUSU purchase page [Done] ->Add in news/blog posts ->Congrats to me and muiz for shodan and ikkyu [Done] ->Congrats to muiz and gabby for shodan and ikkyu [Done] ->Uni taikai roundup post ->Visit from andy fisher sensei [Done] ->Tashiro seminar [DOne] ->Add a kendo resources page - [Done] ->Books - [Done] ->Youtube - [Done] ->Websites e.g. kenshi247, kingston kendo - ->Change landing page to have more kendo text for search engine optimisation - [Done] ->Add photo from last uni taikai to home page ->Download photos of muiz gabby grading and uni taikai - [Done] ->Set up as its own property and change analytics code - [Done]