York University Japanese Society Matsuri
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This weekend the University of York Japanese society held a matsuri (festival) to bring together a showcase of all the Japanese Culture societies at the Univeristy. We went along to the event to showcase Kendo and gave a display demonstration to the crowd.
Visit from Andy Fisher Sensei
5 minute read
This weekend we were fortunate enough to be visited by Andy Fisher Sensei (6th Dan), CEO of Kendostar kendo equipment company and current coach of the GB national kendo team. Fisher Sensei joined our practice session and gave us many great insights into how we could improve our kendo. Some of us (myself included) were also able to do jigeiko with Fisher sensei, which was a great experience! We were also joined by Gareth Mason Sensei from the York City Kendo Club, who also provided an example of great kendo.
Kendo taster with York St John University
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This weekend we held a kendo taster session joint with some students from York St John University. The session was run joint with Ed Van Der Molen from the York City Kendo Club, and involved demonstrations of various aspects of Kendo, as well as the chance to try kendo footwork and hitting!
York Tashiro Seminar 2023
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On the weekend 4-5th of March we attended the Tashiro seminar held at York City Kendo Club. The seminar was lead by Tashiro Sensei (8th Dan) who was visiting the UK on a teaching tour from Japan. The seminar was a great weekend, with lots of knowledge and advice given throughout by sensei. It was also a great opportunity to meet kendoka from around the UK!